Dental Care

General & Preventive Dental Care

We provide a variety of comprehensive services to fit your needs. 

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

White Filling

Porcelain Crown and Bridge


Dentures are false teeth made to replace teeth you have lost. Dentures can be complete or partial. Complete dentures cover your entire upper or lower jaw. Partials replace one or a few teeth. Both types are made in our onsite dental lab, based on a mold (or an impression) of your mouth. A partial denture is also called a “removable partial denture” or a “partial.” It is made up of one or more false teeth, and held in place by clasps that fit onto nearby teeth. You can take the partial denture out yourself, for cleaning and at night. A partial denture may be used when nearby teeth are not strong enough to hold a bridge, or when more than just a few teeth are missing.


The goal of modern dentistry is to save and restore teeth. The benefits of natural teeth are numerous when compared to prosthetic teeth. Only after trying endodontic (root canal) and periodontic (gum) treatment should you consider extraction.


Patients who have discovered they need a filling are often concerned about the cosmetic consequences involved. Many of these fears find their source in these patient’s only having experience with older forms of dental filling, such as silver amalgam. Composite resins, also known as white fillings, are a newer form of restoration medium that mimics the appearance of natural teeth. They offer a way to restore the full function of patients’ teeth without having a noticeable impact on their overall appearance.

Dental Crown and Bridge

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are restoration fabricated outside of the mouth that are placed over a tooth when conservation restorations are insufficient to restore form and function. A dental bridge is used to fill in a space left by missing teeth. Bridges can be designed if there are sturdy teeth on either side of the gap to support them.